Do you know where your children are? Hopefully, they’re not with Emelie. Today, we discuss the 2015 thriller Emelie that may have parents thinking twice about their next date night.
Read MoreGet set to sweat as we discuss all the great one-liners in John Carpenter’s sci-if horror They Live. Tune in to find out what group of people have adopted this movie as a carrier of their message. Hint: the worst group of people.
Read MoreWe’ve never disagreed more on a movie than during our conversation on Kevin Smith’s polarizing horror comedy, Tusk. Join us as we’re baffled by each other’s opinions, and let us know what side you’re on...#walrusyes or #walrusno.
Read MoreStephen Markley, author of the critically acclaimed novel Ohio, joins us to discuss his novel, his love for Stephen King, and of course, Misery. “Ohio” is now available wherever books are sold. Go buy it, ya dirty birdies!
Read MoreEvery vampire movie is in debt to Nosferatu, and as a result to Bram Stoker. Tune in to hear about vampire lore, delicious Ohio beer, and find out why this movie caused the production company to go bankrupt.
Read MoreZombies! Nazis! Wait...Zombie Nazis! Today's episode is on Dead Snow, a Norwegian horror comedy from 2009. Join us as we discuss the timeline of the 21st century zombie craze, zombies in academia, and...intestines. Gross.
Read MoreToday we discuss what many consider the best zombie movie of all time, George Romero’s Dawn of the Dead from 1978.
Read MoreLove it or hate it, everybody is talking about it. Or at least they were a few weeks ago when it came out. Better late than we’re talking about Hereditary!
Read MoreAmazingly, neither one of us had ever seen Child’s Play, the 1988 film that kicked off the career of one of the most recognizable characters in horror history...Chucky! Join us as we take a journey through 80’s action movie tropes and introduce you to a real life doll that’s even creepier than Chucky.
Read MoreWe celebrate Friday the 13th with a very special guest...Jason! Okay, not that Jason, but the next best one. Jason cohosts the Adventures in Pod Taste! (AiPT!) Podcast and is a super fan of the Friday the 13th franchise. Join us as Jason defends the franchise like the other Jason defends Camp Crystal Lake. But with less stabbing.
Read MoreStep into The Void as we discuss the many horror subgenres afoot in this 2016 film. How many subgenres is too many?
Read MoreThis week's episode is on the Japanese techno horror movie Pulse from 2001. Listen as we discuss the early days of the internet and get nostalgic about young chatroom romance. 34/m/NC looking for a 34/m/IL to discuss horror movies with.
Read MoreDefinitely the creepiest movie we’ve covered so far. This week’s episode is on 2017’s Veronica from Paco Plaza. Spain knows how to bring the scares.
Read MoreJoin us as we discuss David Cronenberg’s Videodrome from 1983, a slightly bonkers body horror starring James Woods and Debbie Harry AKA the lead singer of Blondie.
Read MoreIn this episode, we discuss the biggest horror movie of 2018 so far, John Krasinki’s A Quiet Place. Nailed it, Jim.
Read MoreIn this episode, we discuss the classic House on Haunted Hill starring Vincent Price, which spawned a not-so-classic remake starring Chris Kattan.
Read MoreWelcome to Horror Movie Club! A podcast where two dudes, who are not quite nerds but not quite newbs, choose a horror movie each week to rate and review. In this short kickoff episode, we explain what the show is all about. Listen if you dare...bwaaahaahaaa! But seriously, it's safe. Please listen.
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